John Sayer 1937-2024

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of former GCMA Regional Manager John Sayer.

John Sayer passed away the day after the GCMA National AGM at North Hants following a short illness.

Born in 1937, he served as manager of Bury St Edmunds Golf Club from 1992 until 2002. During this period he also had an interest in a radio shop and was a member of RIGS (Radio Industry Golf Society).

John was Captain of the East Anglia region for a two-year period before retiring from Bury St Edmunds.

Just before he was about to retire from Bury St Edmunds, the East Anglia Secretary of the AGCS as it was then, Keith Reddell, passed away suffering from cancer.

John was elected to take over and held the Regional Secretary (later Manager’s) position until 2017.

During his time in this role, John made sure every member was made welcome and had someone as a buddy at their first meeting. He was always a true gentleman.

After 2017, John still remained as a seconded member of the regional committee, which proved to be a master stroke when any history of the region was required.

John will be sadly missed by all in the East Anglia region and also by many of the Regional Managers he knew very well.

By GCMA Content Team

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