Last Month in Pics

Screen Shot 2019-01-04 at 11.41.38A full house of 20 attended our latest Principles of Golf Club Management course at Wyboston Lakes, in Bedfordshire, in November. The training course taught them the fundamentals of the position, including looking at social media, club governance and strategic planning. Putting in the time at the whiteboard are Rachel Jeffrey, Woodcote Park’s Mikey O’Brien, Simon Lyth and Pinner Hill’s Clair Lawton.

Screen Shot 2019-01-04 at 11.41.01It’s not just about what happens in the office. Learning about what happens in the greenkeeper’s maintenance facility are John O’Gaunt’s Nigel Broadwith, Simon Lyth, the GCMA’s, Lisa Simmonds, Rachel Jeffrey and Hugh Townsend.  To find out more about the Principles of Golf Club Management course, check out our feature here.

Screen Shot 2019-01-04 at 11.41.23The golf course is clearly the club’s biggest jewel and getting a crash course in agronomy at Wyboston Lakes are Simon Lyth, Stevenage G&CC’s Sharon Hannah, Andrew Seale, Hendon’s Gabriela Segal, Lisa Simmonds, Rachel Jeffrey and Hugh Townsend.

By Marie J. Taylor

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