To mark Mental Health Awareness Week, we have been running a series of workshops to discuss what is a hugely important topic.
Mental health is always a key topic for the GCMA and it has been front and centre during a week dedicated to raising awareness of the issue.
During Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW), we have been running a series of workshops for our members and fellow staff at their clubs to discuss a subject close to our heart as an association.
The first two sessions, held on Monday and Tuesday of this week, were well attended and saw high levels of engagement as the brilliant Debbie Kleiner shed light on areas such as stress and how to remove the stigma from having conversations around mental health.
Below is a snapshot of the issues discussed during two incredibly valuable and informative sessions.
- The term ‘mental health’ can be misunderstood — it’s how we feel, how we think, and how we behave. It can be positive and negative.
- Are you aware of your signs and triggers for when your mental health is not at its best?
- Can you spot those the signs and triggers in those around you who may be struggling?
- Advice on how to start a conversation with your colleague about their mental health — pick the right setting, listen to what they have to say and don’t feel the need to offer advice, consider body language.
- Stress can make it feel like you can’t cope — but you can learn skills to build resilience.
- Sometimes you can’t change a situation, but you can change how you feel about it.
- Take a break when you need to — reset the brain by changing your environment to get a fresh perspective.

Simon Turner, Office Manager at Kenwick Park Golf Club, was involved in Tuesday’s session and he found it enhanced his understanding of mental health.
“I learned how mental health can be evident in so many ways and with a variety of causes,” he said.
“It’s important for employers to recognise team members who may be struggling and have the confidence to engage them in conversation.
“It was also good to know that the GCMA has a team of Mental Health First Aiders on hand to provide help and support.”