New CEO announced

The Board of the Golf Club Managers Association are delighted to announce Tom Brooke will be the new CEO, taking up the position in early September. Tom is currently the MD of Glendale Golf Ltd, a position he has held for six years. 

Tom brings with him a wealth of transferable skills from many years in the golf industry. His strong operational knowledge and leading of large teams successfully, make him already a renowned business leader. He has multi board level experience in both Glendale Golf Ltd and as Vice Chair of the UK Golf Federation and is perfectly placed to bring a new dimension of leadership to the GCMA.   

Chairman, Phil Grice said “with over 100 applicants for the role of CEO, many of which had a lot to offer, Tom was a leading candidate from the outset. Throughout the process Tom’s attention to detail and his progressive mindset became increasingly evident. We are in challenging times and strong strategic leadership is needed, Tom evidenced throughout the interview process this is a key attribute of his. 

Tom is unique in that he completely understands the challenges of the modern General Manager and their associated teams, from his current and previous roles and he also has strong board experience that will enable him to lead the Association into a new era.”

The recruitment process was managed by Richard Wood, Colt Mackenzie McNair with the first sift reducing first round interviewees to 10 candidates, with four being shortlisted to be interviewed and deliver a presentation to an interview panel.

Tom added, “I am absolutely delighted to be joining the GCMA as its new CEO. This is such a fantastic opportunity and I join at a particularly interesting and exciting time for the organisation. I’m really looking forward to getting started and working with the board and the team to a focus on developing the service offering for the members, as well as broadening the appeal of the organisation, progressing the educational side of the business and leading the culture of excellence in golf club management that the GCMA has always been proud to stand for.”

By Marie J. Taylor

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