Changes to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme on 31 July

What you need to do by TODAY!
  • Submit your CJRS claim for periods ending on or before 30 June 2020 by 31 J‌ul‌y 2020. This is the last date you can make those claims. You need to have made a claim at any point on or before 31 J‌ul‌y to be able to make a claim for future months.
  • Amend your previous claims to add any additional employees you may have missed off in error. After 31 July you will not be able to add any new employees for periods ending on or before 30 June.
What you need to do from 1 Au‌gu‌st
  • From 1 Au‌gu‌st 2020 the scheme will no longer fund employers’ National Insurance (NI) and pensions contributions....
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