What’s happening at the GCMA in 2023?

Last year was a time of huge innovation for us at the Association. But there is much more to come. Here’s some of what you can expect to see over the next 12 months…

This article is part of GCMA Insights – topical content for golf industry professionals, discussing the things that matter to those who work in golf clubs.

2022 was a challenging year in the world of golf club management. The dying embers of the Covid pandemic continued to test us only to then be followed by the cost-of-living crisis.

We’re yet to see the true impact that will have on golf club membership, but no one is under any illusions – it’s going to be difficult. 

But despite those issues there were also plenty of positives last year, including continued strong participation numbers, and a whole host of innovations that were launched across the breadth of the industry.

That was the case here at the GCMA too – with the Association bringing through a range of initiatives that captured the imagination. 

We’ll be building on many of those in 2023, as well as launching some new projects, and so here are just a few of the things you can expect to see over the next 12 months…

GCMA Mentor

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GCMA Mentor

Our innovative GCMA Mentor programme was successfully launched last year, focusing on the progression of personal development, mindset, communication, and leadership skills. 

We were delighted to announce our first team of GCMA Mentors in Scott Clark, Chris Fitt, Gary Beves, Ben Driver, and Richard Penley-Martin, and also welcome our first group of ‘Mentees’ looking to benefit from the programme and learn from some of the very best in our profession.

The feedback from both Mentors and Mentees has been extremely positive and everyone involved in the programme has gained a huge amount, both personally and professionally. 

We’ll be opening applications for the 2023 programme later this month so, if you’re looking to break into the world of golf club management, please get involved. 

GCMA Accreditation

We were hugely proud to announce the launch of our all-new GCMA Accreditation programme in September. The initiative provided golf club managers, and those aspiring for a career in the profession, with the opportunity to capture their skills, knowledge, and experience in one platform and be recognised by the GCMA and their peers in the industry.

We’ve had a great response and nearly 50 GCMA members have achieved their accreditation status. Applications will reopen again on May 1 and, for more details on the programme and how to take part, click here.

Manager of the Year awards

GCMA Conference 2023

Our biennial National Conference will be held at Hinckley Island Hotel, in Leicestershire, from Sunday, November 12 until Tuesday, November 14, and we’d love to see you there.

Incorporating a newly expanded GCMA Member Awards Ceremony, we’ll be adding details of the programme and speakers over the new few months. But booking details will be available very soon, so watch this space!


Membership of the GCMA unlocks a network of like-minded professionals, provides you with support in your professional and personal development, and provides you with a multitude of benefits. Whether that’s the tools that will help you to excel in your profession, or a wide range of services to support your wellbeing, signing up to the GCMA is joining a community. 

national education days

National Education Days

Our series of National Education Days, which launched to great acclaim and were held at venues across the UK in 2022, focused on two of the most pressing issues in golf club management last year: governance and sustainability.

Working with industry experts and speakers, we were delighted with the feedback from the events and we have more planned for 2023. It would be great to see you there and to help us continue making them a success.

Our new strategic plan

The GCMA Board of Directors, Regional Managers and our team at HQ have been working on a new three-year Strategic Plan for the Association, which they will be sharing with members throughout 2023. 

And here’s just one more reason why you should join the GCMA…

We’re committed to keeping our members up to date with all possible information and guidance to support them through the uncertainties of the next 12 months.

We’ve met with our fellow associations, the home unions, and the R&A and will be working collaboratively to tackle the cost-of-living crisis.

We’ll soon be publishing a list of practical measures that every golf club can implement to better manage operational costs and, working with the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Golf, we’ll look to petition government where the opportunity arises to ensure that golf clubs are supported as best as possible during these tough times.

Whilst we’re heading into an extremely uncertain and challenging period, one thing for certain is that the GCMA will always be there to support and encourage our community of golf club managers to thrive. 

So why not join us? To find out everything GCMA Membership has to offer please take a look at our latest membership brochure.

This article is part of GCMA Insights – topical content for golf industry professionals, discussing the things that matter to those who work in golf clubs.

Get involved in the debate. To join the GCMA, click here, or to organise a call with a member of the GCMA team, just complete this form and we’ll be in touch!

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