Welcome to the new GCMA website

If you’ve visited our website recently you will have noticed that we quietly launched the newly revamped site last week, and after a week of testing and some really positive feedback, we wanted to let you know what you can expect from the GCMA’s online activity.

As well as a complete visual redesign, the new website is easier to navigate, and we’ve condensed much of the information to make it as easy to use as possible. In the next few months we’ll also be completely overhauling the members’ Information Library, making it easier to find the information you need, and ensuring that everything is up to date and relevant.

Digital Communications Manager Mike Hyde explains more:

From my first conversations with Bob and the rest of the team at HQ, it was clear that developing a new website was going to be top of my to-do list after I started in September. As a newcomer to the GCMA I continue to be impressed by the level of activity in the association – we convey a lot of information, and there is always something going on, so I was determined that the new website would facilitate that, as well as representing our key role in the golf industry.

We have tried to streamline the content as much as possible to make it easier to find information, and we’ve placed a real emphasis on imagery to help convey the passion and enthusiasm within the association’s staff and membership.

It was a pleasure to work with Golfworking, who worked incredibly hard to get the site up and running so quickly, and helped to create a site that helped satisfy all of our numerous stakeholders.

Alongside the new website we have also launched new social media channels, offering new ways to communicate with our members as part of a digital presence that will help us to continue to raise the wider profile of the association. We have also launched GCMAtv – a new digital video channel that will cover the latest GCMA news, bring you industry updates and feature educational content.

Once you’ve had a chance to look around the site, if you’ve got any questions or feedback we’d love to hear from you, so please get in touch!

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By Mike Hyde

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