Meet the GCMA: Debbie Mereweather

DebbieWhat is your role?

My main role is education. I am responsible for continuing professional development (CPD), recording members’ educational training undertaken or events attended, with an annual summary provided as evidence of updated skills and knowledge. I am involved in the preparation of the Introduction to Golf Club Management training courses, working closely with our educational coordinator Niki Hunter, and take on various large projects.

How did you become involved with the GCMA?

I was taken on nine years ago to develop CPD in the GCMA – my post being originally Lottery funded as it was education based. In 2013 I became responsible for the members’ section of the previous association journal.

What’s an average day in your job?

I work three days a week so have a lot to fit into each day. It’s hard to describe an average day as this will vary depending on the time of year, with different analysis and reports to produce throughout the month. Our chief executive, Bob Williams, also has a variety of meetings that require arranging and correspondence, with any available time left given to on- going projects. I am also currently taking a SAGE accounting refresher course.

What do you enjoy most about it?

As well as the variety and challenge, I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment with each job successfully completed. It is satisfying knowing that I am helping with the promotion of the professionalism of managers in the golfing industry. Our offices at Bristol & Clifton Golf Club also provide beautiful scenery which changes with the seasons.

How is your golf?

I am in the process of learning, having just completed a beginners course at Bristol & Clifton which I thoroughly enjoyed. There is a lot to remember and learn, but hopefully with much practise the balls will begin to go more often to where I’m aiming.

What opportunities lie ahead for the GCMA?

The GCMA is continuing to develop in new areas to bene t golf club managers, especially with regards to educational benefits. The GCMA recently acquired funding from The R&A which, in collaboration with the Club Managers Association of Europe, they are using to target UK university golf scholarship students and promote golf club management as a future career.

How would you like to see the GCMA develop?

I would like to see the GCMA become well known to everyone involved in managing golf clubs (from managers to committees and greenkeepers) in the UK and beyond, as the first place to go in providing assistance to managers, up-to-date legislation developments with information and new ideas, and for all new managers to have completed our training course or diploma.

This interview was first published in The Golf Club Manager – the official journal of the GCMA. If you would like to receive the journal, either join the GCMA today, or subscribe to the magazine.


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