Newly Accredited Manager Spotlight: Emma Drake

As part of a series of Q&As with the latest cohort of newly Accredited Managers, we put Kirkbymoorside Golf Club’s Office Manager Emma Drake in the spotlight.

Can you provide an outline of your career to date?

I’ve had a career in finance and administration, including being part of the Senior Leadership Team Support at Kirklees College, West Yorkshire, prior to moving to North Yorkshire.  I have been Office Manager at Kirkbymoorside Golf Club for 10 years, and was formerly Bookkeeper at Snainton Golf.

Why did you decide to go through the Accreditation process?

I was attracted to the opportunity to gain industry recognition for what I do. The role of Office Manager in a golf club is quite often pigeonholed to others’ perceptions of office administration. I’ve had 10 years’ experience and insight of business management at our club and wanted to achieve this as part of my ongoing personal and professional development.

How would you describe the process?

The process is thorough and fair and gives everyone working in the industry options to achieve.  

What do you hope Accredited status will mean for your career?

Accredited status will hopefully give others a better understanding of my achievements and abilities in terms of club management and allow me to take my skills and experience on the next steps along a natural career progression path.

What would your advice be to anyone considering applying?

You don’t need to be Club Manager to apply. Simply reflect and consider what skills and attributes you already have. Accreditation is a process of growth with lots of potential.

The Advanced Management Programme is launching in September — does that provide a next aspirational goal for you?

Definitely; I strongly believe in continuous improvement.

Click here to find out more about GCMA Accreditation

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