The GCMA is excited to sponsor the Women’s Leadership category at the Women in Golf Awards.
On November 28th, women – and men – from across the industry will be heading to Foxhills to congratulate the winners of this year’s Women in Golf Awards, where the GCMA is proudly sponsoring one of the categories.
Nominations for this annual celebration are now open across eight categories and will close at midnight on September 30th.
The awards recognise the contribution of women at every stage of their careers, across the many disciplines in which they work.
The categories and respective sponsors are as follows:
- Unsung Hero, sponsored by England Golf
- Brand of the Year, sponsored by the BGIA
- International Woman, sponsored by Perry Ellis
- Women’s Initiative, sponsored by PING
- Women in Turfcare, sponsored by BIGGA
- Women PGA Professional, sponsored by TGI Golf Partnership
- Women’s Leadership, sponsored by the GCMA
- Rising Star, sponsored by Club Car

“The Women in Golf Awards unearth incredible stories and introduce us to just some of the remarkable women working across the industry,” said Nicole Wheatley, co-founder of the awards.
“If you know a woman who is making a significant impact in the role that they hold, inspires you and others, or deserves acknowledgment for their contribution to golf then please take the time to nominate her.
“Creating visibility of women excelling in their fields will encourage more to take up a career in golf. This is important because becoming more diverse will reap benefits for the industry as a whole.”
Nominations can be made on until midnight on September 30th. As well as providing reasons for the nominations, nominators will be asked to provide examples of the impact that the nominee has made in their field.
The judging panel will select three finalists in each category who will be invited to attend the awards ceremony at Foxhills on November 28th where the winners will be announced.
The ballot for free tickets also remains open through the website with a limited number of heavily subsidized tickets available to purchase from October.